Believe it or not, I love this hair color, the curls, and everything about it. I am thinking of something new to do with/to my hair. I also love the way that Sarah Jessica Parker has her hair.

What do you ladies think? I am leaning more towards the second picture. A dark reddish brown with light brown like on the picture.
Other than that, I have been well. I only feel pain on my big incision, and have trouble finding the right position to sleep in, so I tend to move around a lot at night, and if I twist my abdomen wrong, I tend to feel pain inside my body. It's a process, but I feel that I am doing well : ) Thanks for the well wishes. It's eye opening how some of my "Friends" have rarely hit me up. But, fuck them. My mentality changed towards the end of 2011. Let me give you some insight:
I moved to Pennsylvania from my hometown in Long Island, NY back in Sept 2006. And, I would always be the one making trips back and forth to New York to hang out with friends. But it took me long enough to say, why do I have to make it so easy for others? Pardon my french but, fuck that, I can take the time and money out to go out there and see you, well you can do the same for me. This isn't the first time that I have blogged about this, I have done so on my livejournal account, when I adapted this. You miss me? Really? Come see me. I am not saying that I am a queen or almighty. But, I've been here for 5 years, there is no reason why you can't come and see me, heck, I have an apartment, there's room. Whatever.
Bitter much? Maybe lol. Just venting. ANYWAY. I got the "Blog" bug tonight, and gave in haha. I hope that you're okay, and well. Enjoy the rest of your week!---Oh and, I do not miss work lol. I am enjoying this time off, hahaha!
* con mucho amor, c i n d y.
Go for the second picture! :D I think that will look AMAZINGGGGG.
:( is there anything you can take for the pain? I hate pain... I hope you heal much much much much faster so you do not have to feel any more pain.
Everything you just wrote about how you always go see your friends but they never come see you – I experienced that. I am glad that your mentality changed at the end of 2011 because you can tell who is really your friend or some person they want to come see them when you miss 'em.
I do not think you are bitter at all. You are being honest and what you just blogged is the truth!
mos def. picture number # that hair looks AMAAZING!
glad to hear you're doing well even with the pain you're feeling. i hope it all passes very soon <3.
Thats how people are.. they NEVER act unless somethings being taken away .. IF THAT. life never equals out to given and recieved the same (in every aspect) its sad cause it should. but getting an eye opener is ALWAYS great.
I really like both but I'll love to see you in Rhianna's style. it's so pretty and so is the color!
Glad you're enjoying time off work! i would be too :] and you're not bitter, it's just life. sometimes we have bad company and that isn't your fault. You're a lovely lady <3 they should have appreciated you!
PICTURE NUMBER 2!!!! I think you would be famazing with that hair :D haha. Stay strong love! The pain will go away soon your handling it so well you soldier <3
& I agree with Elizabeth, they need to appreciate you more but thats their loss, not yours!
Both are cute, you'll look great in either or, I like the Rihanna one though.
As for you being bitter, you're no where near it. You have feelings and you need to let them out. Like you said, if they miss you, they will come see you.
They just losing a good friend
LOVE..RiRi's curls! Thank you for following my blog & entering my giveaway. I know follow you too. I hope you feel better!
I’m leaning toward the second picture too ~ it’s easier to take care!
xoxo Hitomineko xoxo
I’m hosting a giveaway!
Rhianna looks gorgeous in that pic
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