Monday, November 7, 2011

Pretty People/Pretty Thangs

My Beautiful Black Barbie doll :D

1. I love the eye makeup and how it looks with the red hair.
2. Chocolate everything. Because, I have been craving it like crazy lately! More, than usual anyway lol.
3. Oh, Marilyn. I want to go see the film, "My Week With Marilyn" when it comes out.
4. Yes, she always finds her way into a scandal, but she's gorgeous, and her stylists dress her up oh so pretty.
5. Found this picture here and I love the pictures!
6. I couldn't help myself. I LOVED this one!
* con mucho amor, c i n d y.


Hav T said...

LOVE anything chocolate as well.

Anonymous said...

Great picks! I also think Kim is a gorgeous woman besides all the drama